Our construction crew was on the road toward August Gate Church at 7:00am to begin their work for the day. They essentially worked non-stop until 5:00pm, getting projects completed and heading back out to Home Depot to purchase more material for additional projects. Doug Smith, Adam Lipps, and Rick Woodside are rocking big time!
The relational crew headed out for another round of door-to-door canvasing around 11am. According to Pastor Jay’s Weather Channel app, it was 104 degrees. After we all bundled up in our coats and gloves, we hit the streets for about an hour of work. We had all the babies with us and they just did incredible. Callie Grace would knock on the door and then say, “want to go to VBS with me?” even before any answered. Our morning canvasing was not quite as successful as yesterday’s probably because of the time of day. Nevertheless, we did make some contacts and had a couple of conversations.
The meal team was right on schedule as usual, making sure we are well fed and happy. It is a wonderful thing to behold! I’ll just be honest with you – everyone is jealous of our meal team (Carrie Bemiss, Joyce Jennings, and Bill Jennings. Bill has been to Wal-Mart and back about 87 times now).
Finally our first night of VBS arrived and after I picked up about a dozen kids from a subdivision a few miles away from the park, we set up at the park and got things underway. Jacob Roberts and Pastor Jay did a quick worship set for the kids and then we broke into groups. Susan Bryant, with only a couple of hours notice, managed to pull together a great lesson, complete with an Ark of the Covenant! Drew Head led a large group of middle school students and kept their attention for over an hour. Tabitha Lipps had a great little group of 5th graders and taught about the way God has created nature and is Lord over it. Our other members plugged right in as well wherever needed, such as Di Woodside (the Queen of Door-to-Door Canvasing).
Everyone is safe, healthy, and (I hope) joyful for the opportunity to serve the Lord. Keep praying for us – we can’t wait to report back to our church family in Graefenburg what is happening here.