I try to spend most of my mornings listening to at least a snippet of a sermon and reading a bit of Scripture; this is one area where the internet is so wonderful. Bill Cook, Professor for New Testament Interpretation at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and pastor of the Ninth and O Baptist Church in Louisville, KY, was one of the more humble and practical teachers I encountered at Southern. Although he is theologically sharp and has the NT basically memorized, he never goes out in left field and he lets “what is plain be main.”
Dr. Cook preached not long ago at the chapel service at Southern Seminary. This morning I listened to his entire message. I have edited a very brief part of his message that I hope you will watch below. For those of us who live and breathe theology, especially the person typing this blog post, his words should cause us to stop and drop. You can listen to his entire message here.
Thanks for sharing this video of Professor Cook! I am scheduled to begin M.Div. classes at SBTS this coming Aug., and I have been trying to make somewhat informed choices about the classes I take and which professors I choose when I have an option. Your comments about Professor Cook and this video certainly helped me in that regard!
Grace to you,