My Baby Girl

Today is Callie Grace’s birthday.  She is two years old.  I thank God for my little girl.

My hunch is that it doesn’t take long when people are around me and Callie to notice that there is something special, something a bit unique to our relationship.  No doubt that every father-daughter relationship has it’s own special love of some kind that points to the way God designed the parental relationship; the same is certainly true for mother-daughter relationships.  And yet I can’t help but think that Callie and I feel the love for one another in some beautiful and profound ways that are not capable of being described with a keyboard.  Apart from the sight of my wife, there is nothing that puts a glitter in my eyes quite like seeing my children, and when Callie is patiently waiting for me at the top of the stairs as I come home and I see her eyes light up when we see each other, well, I wait all day for that moment.  Every day when I leave for work, I have two ladies in my life who are always sad to see me go.  I can only wonder why God has been so good to me.

And speaking of God, my children have provided me with an added personal conviction concerning the psalmist’s declaration in Psalm 14:1 – “The fool says in his heart; ‘There is no God.”  Does anyone who holds a precious child of their own close to their chest truly believe this is by chance?  Jesus said to those who lived during his time that their condemnation would be greater than even the vilest of cities before he came because the people in his day had a greater revelation.  I believe the same is true for parents.  It is only the heart of a fool that can hold their own child and still declare the universe empty of God.  Callie Grace reminds me of why I should be “thankful in all circumstances”; because there is a good God who loves us and always knows what is best.  Always.

Tonight we will celebrate with Callie by having friends over to our house.  I will remember our long experience in the hospital in Louisville, KY.  I will reflect on her difficult start in this world because of severe reflux.  I will be reminded of those special days in our tiny apartment at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  I will remember hearing her precious voice call out for daddy.  And then I will look over to the other side of the room and see her dancing amongst the throng of people in our living room.  That will elicit the only thing I know to say to my God and my Savior. 

Thank you.


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2 Replies to “My Baby Girl”

  1. I quietly read your blog quite frequently though I usually remain quiet because over all I’m a bit intimidated by your brilliance. 🙂

    (I was glancing over your posts again today–I turned in your name to the Baptist church here in town as an excellent guest speaker– (and on a side note, they’re also looking for a youth minister…. just saying…) and wanted to compare your thoughts to what I assume the thoughts are of the pastor and others whom I have interacted with).

    So, as I’ve quietly read and reread, and sometimes re-re-read trying to completely understand a point here or there this post struck me again– and I don’t think I’ve ever adequately told you how much I appreciate you. How much I am so grateful that God brought you into Andi’s life (and in some respects to mine).

    I love you all! Your family! I love your heart– thank you for sharing it so freely (with me and the rest of the world too I suppose).

    1. Jen,

      Your words are some of the sweetest ever spoken to me. I am thankful for them and for you. Andi and I are blessed to have you in our lives. And now I pray God’s blessings on yours.


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