I am writing this post from my new office at the First Baptist Church of Evergreen, CO. This is an exciting time to be sure. Andi, Callie Grace, and I are excited about our new home and our ministry. I have already met some wonderful people who are excited about Family Ministry and are looking forward to getting things started. I am hitting the ground running as I will be preaching on July 5th and July 12th.
Andi and I are so thrilled with our house. It is a beautiful home with more room than all of our previous apartments combined. We enjoyed waking up and looking out our large living room window to see an elk just hanging out in our front yard. I snapped a quick picture which you can see below.
Finally, I am now officially on Facebook. I held off as long as I could, but I promised the awesome students at Graefenburg that I would get a page, so I did! It is actually pretty neat, so if you have a Facebook page, add me as a friend. I might also be hitting the Twitter scene pretty soon as well.
Tomorrow we will begin back on our thinking and wrestling with theology and spirituality. Be praying for us, busy times are ahead.