Dr. Russell Moore has written an article concerning the first day of class at Southern Seminary. I found this to be a helpful reminder and an encouraging note about the philosophy of what is happening at SBTS. Concerning whether or not demons will be present in the classroom, he says:
“If so, I hope they understand what I hope will go on in there. The
powers would love for us to learn to cherish our systems or our
arguments. They’d love for us to learn how to win arguments with lost
people. That’s not what we’re here for. We’re here to learn wisdom and
love, to learn Christ.
That’s why we’ll start this semester off throwing the textbooks on
the floor, pulling our chairs out, and getting on our knees to pray for
the people in our future, those whose names we don’t know, that this
semester would be profitable for them.
Satan doesn’t mind hearing us debate supralapsarianism or the days
of creation or the noetic effects of the Fall (and we’ll do all of
that). But what he trembles at is what we’ll start out doing
today–calling out to the Lord Jesus: “Have mercy on us, sinners.”
Read the entire article here.