My July 10, 2016 Prayer

Below is my prayer during worship on July 10, 2016.

Our God and Father,

It’s difficult to see perspectives other than our own. It’s even more difficult to understand them.

There are many different and competing perspectives in our country right now. Perspectives that are leading to violence, misery, and death.

Oh God, I pray you would keep us, your church, from being presumptuous. Forgive us when we neglect to appreciate the ongoing difficulties for minorities. Forgive us when we pretend there is no longer a need for racial reconciliation.

Likewise Father, forgive us when we are quick to judge the many good and faithful officers who are doing their best and risking their lives for our safety.

In short, forgive us when we think we know all the answers. We don’t. Forgive us when we think we can solve all these problems. We can’t.

And yet, God, you have granted us something incomprehensible. Something that seems to elude us during these dark days in our country.

You have granted us hope.

Only the power of your gospel can bring the transformation our country cries out for. God, help us cry to you.
Only the power of your gospel can heal the brokenness of families and friends who have lost the ones they love. God, be their healer.
Only the power of your gospel can reconcile one angry heart toward another. God, be our reconciler.

Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

Thank you for that hope.
Thank you for Jesus.